How to Do Firefly Pose in Yoga (Tittibhasana)

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Firefly Pose Step-By-Step

  1. Begin in the Standing Forward Bend pose. Your toes should be in line with the hips and slightly opened to the side. Leave a small bend in your knees.
  2. Thread your right hand in between the legs and clasp the outer side of the right calf. Place your shoulder right behind your right knee.
  3. Place the right hand on the floor. It should be right behind the heel, facing forward.
  4. Repeat the same process with the left hand.
  5. Now tilt your torso forward and place your legs on the back side of your upper arms.
  6. Activate your core and lift your feet off the ground. Straighten your legs as much as you can.
  7. Hold the pose for 15 to 30 seconds and release.

Firefly Pose Quick Look

Sanskrit Name: Tittibhasana
Pose Type: Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Difficulty Level: Advanced pose
Targets: Full body, particularly the core.
Benefits: Firefly is a full-body pose – it stretches your back, hamstrings, hips, chest, and groin and strengthens your arms, shoulders, wrists, and core. It improves your sense of balance and encourages concentration and dedication to your practice. Traditionally, it’s believed to decrease stress and anxiety while increasing self-confidence and acceptance.
Preparatory Poses: Standing Forward Bend pose, Plank pose, Four-Limbed Staff pose, Eagle pose, Garland pose, Crane pose, Bound Angle pose


Firefly is an arm balance pose that requires strength and flexibility and is therefore considered an advanced asana. However, it is a compound movement that requires strength in your whole body (especially core) and not just arm strength, making it appropriate to learn among your first arm balances, especially if you’re flexible.

Another reason why this pose is suitable for those who are just beginning to learn arm balances is that it’s much less scary to fall than in inversions. The Firefly pose can teach you to be patient and have the willingness to fall – and the openness to laugh it off and try again.

If you want to try out this pose, do it on days when you’re full of energy, and always complete a warm-up sequence for your full body before you attempt it.

“When your legs are extended in Firefly pose, they appear like a firefly’s antenna. However, that’s not the only similarity to its namesake”, says Yoga Answered contributor Sara Popovic. “Fireflies also glow from within, and the pose inspires you to channel your inner light. “

Beginner’s Tip

A proper warm-up routine can make this pose much more accessible. Make sure you do it somewhere at the end of the active part of your yoga routine. Prepare with sun salutations, wrist warm-up exercises, core exercises, and hip stretches. If you’re not able to do the pose, you can work towards it, regularly working on strengthening your core, shoulders, and arms. You can also place your arms or legs on blocks when you’re learning the pose. These modifications can help support you and shift your center of gravity – try both versions to see which is most helpful for you.

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