Mountain Pose Step-By-Step
- Stand on the top of your mat with your toes touching. Feel your feet, spread your toes and return them to the ground. This motion helps you balance your weight on all four corners of the feet.
- Rotate your thighs inward and engage your quadriceps to lift the knee caps.
- Maintain the natural curve of the spine, by tucking the pelvis and activating the core.
- Keep the chin close to the collarbone, to maintain a neutral position in the neck. Relax the facial muscles.
- The last thing to consider are your arms. Roll your shoulders back and allow your arms to fall naturally, with palms open facing forward.
- Close your eyes and take around 10 deep breaths, maintaining the awareness of your body the entire time.
People were always enchanted by mountains – the towering peaks and the majestic mass of these giants make them inspiring for artists, athletes, and spiritual people alike.
Yogis were also fascinated by Nepal and Tibet’s mountains, especially the Himalayas, which they named the Lord of the Mountains, a god who was their personification. It’s no wonder they wanted to mimic this monumental stature in their poses as well, and that’s exactly how the Mountain pose came to life.
Mountain pose is considered the king of all standing poses and is the starting position of sun salutations. Although it looks simple, there’s a lot you have to think about – from the position of your spine and pelvis to equal weight-bearing in the feet. When practiced with awareness, mountain pose can build your sense of stability and set a strong foundation for other standing poses.
“To an unknowing observer, the Mountain Pose looks merely as standing with eyes closed. But the true power of this pose comes from within.”, says Yoga Answered contributor Sara Popovic. “The pose cultivates greater awareness of your body and posture, preparing you for the yoga class. In a deeper sense, it brings a sense of grounding and presence, as if you’re becoming one with the space that surrounds you.”
Mountain Pose Quick Look
Sanskrit Name: Tadasana
Pose Type: Standing Yoga Poses
Difficulty Level: Beginner pose
Targets: Full Body
Benefits: When done properly, Mountain pose can strengthen your entire body, particularly the leg muscles and joints. With time, Mountain pose can also improve your posture and help you reduce flat feet. It makes it easier to identify any imbalances in your body and prepare you for other standing poses. Mentally, the connection of the feet and the earth and the focus on the alignment bring a sense of grounding, calm, and stability that mimics the nature of a mountain.
Preparatory Poses: Chair pose, Corpse pose, Standing Forward Bend pose.
Beginner’s Tips
Some beginners can find it difficult to hold the pose with their eyes closed. If you can’t maintain balance and stability, feel free to keep them open.
If it’s hard to keep your pelvis neutral, bend your knees and drop the pelvis, then straighten them as much as you can while keeping the pelvis in the same position.
If it’s difficult to consciously engage your thighs, place a block between them to activate the legs and increase the rotation.
Finally, you can always place your feet further apart if that seems more natural. In the end, each anatomy is different, and you should strive to find the perfect alignment for your own body and current needs.