How to Do Noose Pose in Yoga (Pasasana)

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Noose Pose Step-By-Step

  1. Start in Mountain pose with your feet together. Try to activate all corners on your feet. Sway side to side to find a central point.
  2. Bend your knees and come into a deep squat, bringing the buttocks on the heels. Place something underneath the heels if they’re not touching the ground.
  3. Move your knees slightly to the right and twist your torso towards the left, and lower your right shoulder on the outer side of the left knee.
  4. Wrap the left arm beyond your back, reaching towards the right hand. Try clasping the hand, or use a rolled up towel or a strap to extend your reach.
  5. Turn your head towards the left, move the shoulder blades backward and keep your chest open.
  6. Hold the pose for a couple of breaths. Release, and repeat on the other side.

Noose Pose Quick Look

Sanskrit Name: Pasasana
Pose Type: Binding Yoga Poses, Hip-Opening Yoga Poses, Strengthening Yoga Poses, Twist Yoga Poses
Difficulty Level: Intermediate pose
Targets: Chest, arms, core, back, hips, ankles
Benefits: Noose pose strengthens the spine and releases tension in the shoulders and the upper back. It also strengthens the ankles and hips. The pose opens the chest and stimulates the abdominal organs, improving digestion. It activates the Solar Plexus chakra, responsible for self-esteem and confidence.
Preparatory Poses: Half Lord of The Fishes pose, Bound Angle pose, Child’s pose, Cow Face pose, Garland pose, Hero pose, Revolved Side Angle pose


The Noose pose is a squatting position with arms wrapped around the legs, twisting the body and creating a noose.

This deep pose is ideal for opening the chest and strengthening the spine and the ankles. Noose is also a balancing pose-you need to create a stable foundation to hold it.

In traditional Yoga, Noose pose is practiced to help clear the energy channel that allows the prana to flow and reach every part of the body. That clears out any lethargy and makes you feel energized. In general, all twisting poses are ideal for boosting your energy and detoxification.

“Noose is an intermediate to advanced yoga pose, but not only in a physical sense. ”, says Yoga Answered contributor Sara Popovic. “It requires you to have a full awareness of your body in order to maintain both your balance and proper alignment.”

Beginner’s Tip

When just learning the pose, it would be best to use props. If deep squatting is too difficult, you can begin practicing the pose sitting on the chair. Sit on the edge of the seat and press the left hand on the outside of the right knee. Twist to the right, and push the right hand against the back of the chair if you want to further elongate your spine or deepen the twist.

If you struggle with balance, you can practice the pose next to a wall. Start in Mountain pose, with the wall on your right side, around elbow width apart. Squat down, and repeat the same steps we described above. However, instead of clasping your hands behind you, place them on a wall for support. To deepen the pose, you can remove the left hand from the wall and place it near the legs, and try to glue your torso to your thighs.

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